Howard Sheep and Cattle
Cattle Division
Howard Sheep and Cattle
Cattle Division Gallery
The cattle operation is a cow/calf program with breeds of mostly black Angus but also incorporate Red Angus and Hereford genetics. The ranch has put together one of the fanciest, consistent, productive, commercial herds around. This has been accomplished due to a meticulous breeding program and a finely tuned cow development program for over 100 years.
Our breeding program uses predominately home raised bulls and sources some of the finest outside genetics available. The dominate genetic lines tie back to SAV Net Worth and Traveler 6807. View our SIRE page for more information.
The cow herd is a closed herd. All females are home raised. This allows for exceptional consistency and repeatability. Heifers are exposed for 30 days, and cows for 45. We have a one and done mentality, meaning cows are not given a second chance. All females must wean a quality calf every year. Cows are moderate in size and built to fit their environment. We have selected for a calm disposition for decades.
Operation and Care
The ranch is built on a regenerative mindset. Large bunch sizes are used in a rotational grazing system throughout the entire year. Dry standing forage is used in the winter instead of hay. Hay is only kept for emergency situations and hardly ever used. Most of our herd has never seen a bale of hay. In the winter months, the herd is supplemented protein cubes 2 to 3 times a week as forage and weather dictates.
Heifer and steers are marketed as yearlings and ran on grass and winter wheat. Yearling steer weights are consistently just over 1,000lb. Yearlings are marketed as program cattle. Most but not all of the programs are listed below.
-Source and Age
-Verified Natural
- Beef Care
- China EV